luxury movers

Protect Yourself From Covid During Your Move

Unfortunately, most of the knowledge of covid relating to household moving is anecdotal or based on rumor.  The method of transmission and prevention of infection is not precisely known.  We do know that covid-19 is airborne. Masks (N95, possibly others) and social distancing (though the length of distance is now questioned) have been found to be effective. Curiously, most of the time all masks are considered equal, but, of course, they are not. Social tracing proceeds on the supposition that covid is most likely transmitted by a 10 minute close, verbal interaction between two people. There is not much else known for certain about scientific particulars.  For example, whether the disease can be transmitted by viruses  picked up from household objects is not clear, is becoming, at least anecdotally, accepted.

Moving company websites have advertised that their men wear masks and gloves, and try to maintain “social distance”.  This is fine but not really enough.  Masks vary greatly in effectiveness, and many moving companies, just like committed joggers,  are now ready to admit that under physical duress, it is simply impossible to be always wearing a mask. Men should be encouraged to take short breaks after heavy exertion. What is not often pointed out is this: the customer should always be wearing a mask and that mask should be N-(95), or KN95. Brownstone Brothers Moving will supply such masks to customers if they need them. It would be helpful to work with smaller moving crews rather than moving crews larger than 6 men, for example.  To summarize:

  •  The proven facts about covid transmission are few.

  •  The standard techniques many other moving companies use presently are insufficient and inconsistently carried out.

  •  The customer should depend on his own personal safety measures.

  •  These measures should include an N-95 mask and  also social distancing whenever possible. 

In fact, Brownstone has been working right through the pandemic with no cases reported of infection among movers or customers.

Still have questions or concerns? Get in touch!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Why Isn't Moving Fun? The Problem of Moving Anxiety

“May you move a thousand times,” runs an old Irish curse.  This saying captures the dread of relocating felt by many new household owners.  But wait, isn’t the new place the fulfillment of at least some of your dreams? Shouldn’t you be looking forward to moving?

The problem is: anxiety.  This problem is often exacerbated by delays or confusion on the part of the buyer, the sellers, the boards, the lawyers, or the contractors.  But basically, the problem is that of anticipating the feeling of being a stranger in a strange land, possibly not even knowing exactly where your toothbrush or pills are going to be found.  Also, you’re over budget.

So here are a few solutions:  Make it a habit to visit the new place.  Have dinner in the neighborhood restaurants.  If you are extraverted enough, strike up conversations with some of the new neighbors.  Maybe talk about how reasonable prices are, at a restaurant you’ve visited. Find out who the celebrities are who live nearby.  If they’re comfortable here, why not you?  

When packing, set aside a box containing all the items you will need during your first night in your new home. Having easy access to things like toiletries, medication, and a clean set of clothes can greatly diminish the stress of your move by eliminating any chances of needing to frantically open box after box searching for your toothbrush.

In other words, make the place a part-time home even before you get there.  You may even find your present place seeming kind of dull.

Still feeling anxious? Give us a call!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Should You Tip Movers in New York City?

The practice of tipping has a dark origin:  During Reconstruction, tipping was used as a means of control and underpayment.  Today, 150 years later, it has evolved into something essentially different, i.e. a branch of the underground economy.  If you are planning to move your house in Manhattan, you might wonder if tipping is expected for the moving services drivers and helpers.

Service jobs in Manhattan and other parts of NYC, like moving jobs, taxis, Uber, etc. generally provide a minimal living wage.   In order for the employee to bridge the gap between payroll and reality, he or she must rely on tips.  For cab drivers, for example, tips are expected, as you can see from the screen that indicates the trip charges.  Some restaurants charge tips automatically. Many people pay these tips in cash. It must be known to the IRS that cash tips are rarely included in  tax returns. In the case of cash, both customer and worker assume spontaneously and subconsciously that they are dealing with a different form of the economy; to be blunt, they are dealing with an “accepted” form of the underground economy. 

In almost all local moving companies in Manhattan, the employees expect tips.  This is a harsh truth for the customer, for, to take an arbitrary but not totally unreasonable number, 15% of a moving bill can be hundreds of dollars. To not give a tip, indicates that the customer is dissatisfied or comes from Europe or some other place where the tipping is low or non-existent.   Brownstone Brothers pays among the highest wages in the city, but its employees have the same expectations as other moving workers throughout the state. The recommended range of tipping is $5 to $10 per mover per hour. 

If you are using movers in Manhattan or Brooklyn in New York City, we suggest that you tip the mover if they have made your move easy and less stressful. 

Still have questions about tipping? Call us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000
